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In August 2016, the Publishing Association said it needed a 'clear plan and timetable to provide certainty'. It said one in four publishers surveyed said that securing a speedy exit from the European Union to increase business certainty was the most important step the UK should take in its negotiations to leave the EU. I wonder what it is saying now! Is Brexit a crime, what is its plot, who is the villain? What about a plot by a supranational body conspiring to break up unions and destabilise, so that it can reap massive profits in bailing out failing economies: sounds like the World Bank!

Just had to share the first paragraph of the first chapter of Shadowplay:

"Out of the gathering swirls of mist roars the hot black monster, screeching and belching its acrid bilious smoke, a fetor of cordite stench. Thunder and cinders, coal man and boilerman, black cast iron and white-hot friction, rattling on the roadway of steel and olden oak as dewdrops sizzle on the flanks. Foxes slink to lairs. Fawn flit and flee. Hawks in the yews turn and stare." Now that is description!

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